Everything Happens for a Reason

We can, and often do question the outcome of many things. We also attempt to rationalize why certain things happen, and why certain things do not. In the moment, there is often a sense of urgency and challenge to make sense of why our life takes certain twists. However, when you start to look back on some major events that have taken place in your life, I do think they begin to make a lot more sense. I sincerely believe that all these events happen for an underlying reason, one we may not comprehend in the moment. There is however often a really good reason why they take place. Many a time we attempt to force certain outcomes, and when things do not go as we had planned, it upsets us. I know I have felt this way many a time. When I now look back at some of those times, it is with a sense of relief, and I feel glad that certain things which I regretted in the moment, did actually happen the way they did.

I think we need to start breaking free from the moulds that all of us are ‘supposed’ to follow. We need to embrace life for what it has to offer in the moment…. now! We need to start finding and focusing on the silver lining, rather than complaining about the storm clouds overhead. Life is too short for us to complain about why things did not turn out as planned. Sometimes, we need to take those risks, not fuss about the details too much, and really start living !

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