Losing your Temper

Losing your temper is easy. It is the easiest way to end an argument or relationship, on the worst possible note. By raising your voice and trying to dominate an argument shows an inability to logically rationalize your emotions and point of view in an appropriate manner. When this is done often enough, people start to lose respect for such an individual, and eventually reduce all communication with this individual to the absolute minimum. This is a sure fire way to destroy any relationship that may have existed.

Unfortunately, given how easy it is to lose one’s temper, many of us fall into this trap. When this happens in any sort of team environment, it results in the eventual isolation of the person involved. It tears teams apart, and defections start to take place at a faster pace. I was once on a university sports team where the team leader would regularly go off on tangents when an error or mistake incurred. It was through that experience that I saw and learnt what a grave impact such behavior has on both the morale of the team, as well as the way they regard the team leader.

Losing your temper is often a blind spot many of us fail to recognize. We are often oblivious of, as also take for granted, how our actions affect the people around us, and what consequences ensue from this. The only way to tackle this, is to get regular feedback from the people you work with, and identify areas and situations where you need better control of your emotions. The sooner we begin to realize this and take note of our behavior, the faster we will be able to bring real change into our lives and those around us.

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