Overcoming Resistance

Everyone has some dreams, goals and ambitions about what they want to achieve in life. However, in most cases those dreams remain just dreams and some just accept life for what it is. The difference between the two states is resistance. It is the resistance to put yourself out there to achieve your goals and aspirations. It is fear that we may fail and end up disappointing ourself further that holds us back. In such cases, we are unable to overcome the level of resistance we face and, we give in. We settle for something that is less, simpler, easier and which does not take as much effort. Unfortunately, that is how the story goes for a great many of us in this world. Our dreams to be entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, leaders, change agents or anything else that we had aspired to be, are left behind as we give into the resistance that we face, thus settling for much less.

In life, the things we feel are most important to fill that certain void in all of us, are the ones that are associated with the greatest amount of resistance. It only seems fair that if we really want something in life we have to give it everything we have. If it were achievable with little or no effort, would be appreciated as much? I highly doubt it. Overcoming resistance requires being prepared, commitment and most importantly, a deep seated passion for what you are doing. On the surface these words sound cliched. Who doesn’t know that they have to be prepared, committed and passionate? Therein lies the mystery and dilemma. With everything at our disposal, we still never make the effort to take that first step. We stand on on the edge and let fear consume us. We become paralyzed with the thought of what could be….

The fact of the matter is that each and everyone of us faces resistance on a daily basis. Some of us however make the decision to push against it with all that we have. These people don’t do it because they have to, they do it because they cannot imagine doing anything else. Take for example an entrepreneur sitting on the sidelines waiting for the perfect opportunity…. knowing very well deep down inside that there is no perfect opportunity. We deceive ourselves so that we can continue waiting on the edge as life passes us by. Make a resolution today that you are going to take a step towards a goal that will make a marked difference in your life. It could be as small as writing it down on a piece of paper or as large as leaving your job and following what you are most passionate about doing. Either way, you have to make a move for any sort of momentum to be formed.

What are some of the things that hold you back from achieving your goals in life? What was the biggest challenge you overcame to make a difference in your life? What was the source of inspiration that made you follow your dreams? I would really like to hear your stories.

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