Date archives "February 7, 2013"

Our Dreams

Dreams. Dreams are aspirations in the form of guides that push our imagination. Nothing is out of our grasp. When we close our eyes, we can be anyone or anywhere we choose to be. As we keep moving forward in life, our dreams keep evolving. They are reflections of our subconscious, our hopes and our deepest fears and desires.

Translating these dreams is what separates the dreamers from the doers. Taking action goes hand in hand with the ability to close your eyes and imagine what it should be. It is too easy to blame circumstances. Nothing worth fighting for comes easily. Throwing in the towel when the going gets tough is the easy way out. Getting up after falling repeatedly, is what makes us stronger and our journey definitive.

In the end, it all comes down to taking responsibility for your dreams. Matching the ambition to the effort is essential to help make your dreams come true. When taking and making these hard decisions and sacrifices, you need to…

“Look in the mirror and ask, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”

Steve Jobs