Designations & Startups

This conversation comes into play as soon as a start-up is writing up their business plan or printing name cards. It is an exciting and confusing time, specially for first time entrepreneurs who are keen to get their ‘designations’ just right. I remember my first designation, it was, “Strategic Marketing Director”. A mouthful for sure, and one which raised a lot of eyebrows and questions about my actual role. The truth of the matter is, at a start-up, everyone needs to be be doing pretty much… everything! Externally however, I do feel your role must communicate something substantial about your responsibility at the startup. Choosing roles such as CEO, Strategic Marketing Director or Managing Director may sound good, but do not really communicate what you have taken responsibility for. If your startup comprises of 3 people, CEO is really overkill.

I much rather prefer designated roles such as Lead Platform Developer, Customer Liaison, Product Marketing Head, Research & Development Director etc. These help your customers understand whom to call when they have a certain problem or question. If a person on the team has technical expertise regarding the hardware component of your product, their role should reflect that. If another person handles finances, then that is who investors need to call when they want information about cash flow situations etc.

My mantra for start-up designation is simple. Choose an area where you see yourself taking responsibility for a particular function. This communicates both internally and externally what role you would like to play in the company, as well as helping you to steadily enhance your expertise in that particular area. This is not a conversation where founders should dispute who should be CEO and who should not. It is, on the other hand, a first step in the direction you want to grow with the company.

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