Posts tagged "Change"

5 Steps to Better Health

“Without health, there is no point. To anything.” Everett Mámor

Health is one of those things in life you value once you lose it. Ill health propels us to value it a lot more for a while, then we lose track of it yet again. We fail to understand that without good health, there is very little we can do. Ill health makes us realize that all the things we take for granted should be the very things we ought to be thankful for, day in and day out. As entrepreneurs we tend to push ourselves harder, as great things can only be achieved by great efforts. During this process one of the things we tend to lose track of is our health. I made that mistake recently and hence dedicated this series to help remind myself of the importance of good health.

Listed below are five factors critical to good health:

1. Sleep: Having sporadic sleep cycles can be most damaging to one’s health. Lack of sleep or inadequate and untimely sleep patterns cause lethargy and lack of concentration. This in turn results in not being able to perform optimally and eventually leads to developing related illnesses due to exhaustion. Developing and having the discipline to stick to a sleeping routine can have a positive impact on your health. To read more about developing better sleeping habits please click here.

2. Exercise: A lot of people feel tired at the mention of the word exercise. The association may be a result of associating all forms of exercise with the tedium of weights , running for miles, monotonous repetition and sweating through it all. Developing a healthy exercise routine however can start from something as simple as having a yoga or stretching routine when you wake up in the morning. It is vitally important to establish some form of exercise into your daily routine. To read more about easy exercise routines that you can adopt please click here.

3. Eating Right: Other than staying off the fatty junk food, there are many simple tips we need to integrate into our daily diet plan. I wrote about ensuring to drink enough water during the day and making sure that a healthy breakfast is how you start your day. These small changes impact greatly on energy and fitness levels. It is not necessary to go on strict diets and give up eating all favorite foods . What is important is that we make the small but important changes which will help us live a healthier life. To read more about eating right please click here.

4. Having Fun: Doing the things you love and enjoy has a deep impact on your health. It helps exude energy and a zest for life which is infectious. We have to stop sacrificing the things that bring joy to us simply to be able to assimilate into the society we live in. If you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is no better time than ‘Now’ to start making the necessary changes. To read more about the importance of having fun please click here.

5. Positive Thinking: Having a positive attitude has a major impact on the quality of life. It has the ability to remind us how fortunate we are for everything we have. It helps us to shift focus from all the things we do not have, to all that we need to be grateful for. This level of inner peace creates an aura of positivity around us, which in turn attracts our wants and desires to help make our life a more fulfilling one. To learn more about the power of positive thinking please click here.

Losing perspective of the truly important factors in our lives is a mistake committed by too many people. We become so lost in the daily humdrum that we lose sight of the bigger picture. Life is way too short to miss out at truly living life to its optimum. It is important that we keep a healthy balance between work and fun in our lives. Only through such a balance can we experience a level of inner peace and help bring perspective to the chaotic lives we lead today.

The Little Difference

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” W. Clement Stone

All of us have fundamental choices in life. We can either embrace life for all its worth and live each day to make a difference, or we can simply go about, just living. This seems like a fairly easy decision to make, and it should be, because it is! Each and everyone of us is in control of the sort of life we want to lead. The decision is completely ours, and our life is a reflection of the decisions which we have chosen to make. If anyone is not satisfied with the results so far, it is up to them to change the way they may be doing things. In truth it all comes down to, whether we are looking at the glass half empty or half full. Two people can look at the same glass with radically different perspectives. In the end, what matters is our attitude, and whether we choose it to be positive one or negative.

I must admit, most of the time I do not understand why so many people have such a negative outlook on life. The mind boggles that someone deliberately chooses to look more at the negative side of life. There has to be some driving force behind such behavior, I have yet to understand it. Being negative not only brings your own spirits down, it has a domino effect on all those who come into contact with it. It permeates into every aspect of your life, from the way you walk, hold a conversation, relationships, social interaction and the vibes you give out. An aura develops around you which only seems to attract all the things you do not want in life. Why anyone would want to do something like that to themselves is a mystery.

Life is way too short for us to be worried about all the things which are not in our control. We need to focus on factors we can do something about, and our health is one those key factors. Having a positive attitude has a major impact on the quality of life. It has the ability to remind us how fortunate we are for everything that we have. It helps us to shift our focus from all the things we do not have, to all that we need to be grateful for. This level of inner peace creates an aura of positivity around us, which in turn attracts our wants and desires to help make our life a more fulfilling one. We all have the same fundamental choices in life. The decisions we make about these choices will impact and determine the sort of life we choose to live.

Are you Having Fun?

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” Dale Carnegie

Life without fun and enjoyment, is living life without, really living. It is imperative to enjoy ourselves in whatever we do in life. If we are not doing something that we enjoy, then it is time to face reality and make the necessary changes. Continuing to do something which one does not like is like a virus, and it slowly eats away at the soul. It becomes a cycle, and finding the courage to step out of it requires, a lot of courage. We make up all sorts of excuses why we choose to remain in jobs we do not like, in relationships which are not working or in businesses we no longer have any interest in. The longer we stay in such situations the more reasons we create for why we cannot leave them.

I believe this is often due to a clash of interest. We sacrifice personal goals, dreams and visions for what society deems acceptable. Along the way we forget who we are and what we really wanted in life. Unfortunately this is a path taken by far too many people and tends to have major repercussions further down the road. The fact is that each and everyone of us knows what really makes us happy. The longer we keep these emotions buried, the more we lose touch with them. Therefore, if there is something that you would rather be doing, take time out now, and first just write it down on a piece of paper. Then, think about it, and visualize ways you could eventually be doing that for a living.

My own decision to become an entrepreneur was made in a similar fashion. I was always fascinated with the world of business, and the challenge of starting out from scratch and building it into something, has been a lot of fun for me. Having been through a successful iteration of this process, there is nothing else that I would rather be a part of. Doing something that you love and enjoy has a deep impact on your health as well. One has a lot more energy and a zest for life which can be infectious. If you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing, there is no better time than ‘Now’ to start making the necessary changes.

Eating Right?

“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.” John Gunther

My eating habits have improved vastly since the last time I made a conscious effort to watch my diet more strictly. Sticking to a healthy diet,  saying no to junk food and excessive eating, makes you feel pretty good about yourself. However looking back, there were still a couple of things which were not correct with my diet and may have contributed to my falling sick last week. I have outlined them below:

1. Water: This is an essential part of one’s diet, yet, many of us consume far less than our daily requirement. (This is a nifty site about water requirements).  Unfortunately, I have fallen victim to this lapse many a time. Lack of water in your system can lead to all sorts of problems, in some cases quite critical. It is not necessary to go around remembering how much water you have consumed in a day, it is however important to remember to drink water at regular intervals. It is important to keep yourself hydrated particularly if you are sitting at a desk all day. This will not only improve productivity, but also improve stamina.

2. Breakfast: In our busy daily lives, breakfast is a meal which often takes a hit. We tend to wake up in a flurry and then do our best to get ourselves out of the door as soon as possible. During this rushed time, we grab some juice, and get our hands on anything which appears edible. This routine is a flawed one for the long haul. It also results in lower energy levels in the morning, over eating at lunch time and eventually leads to an unbalanced diet with all its ramifications. Breakfast is a very important meal, one we should all aim to squeeze into our busy schedules as it does affect the rest of our day. It is important to choose your breakfast wisely,  make sure you include protein in some form or other to help keep you going during the day.

These two factors are integral to any good diet and need to be worked into everyones daily routine. They don’t require any major shifts in eating habits, apart from maybe waking up a little earlier to enjoy breakfast. After one has successfully integrated them into a routine,  increased energy levels will be noticeable, possible decrease in weight, but above all, you will feel a lot healthier.

When did you last exercise?

“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow is disease.” ~V.L. Allineare

Next on the list of factors which contributed to falling a little under the weather was lack of exercise last month. Prior to last month, I had a pretty strict work-out regime which was actually coming along rather well. I have been traveling this last month or so, and sticking to a routine when traveling has got to be one of the most challenging things to do. I guess it comes down again to discipline, and the determination to really stick to it. Fact is, we tend to make up a lot more excuses when we have to make a slightly greater effort to exercise as compared to usual.

We are all well aware of the advantages of exercise. It keeps the mind sharper, the pounds off, increases the body’s immune and resistance systems and to top it off, can be a most effective stress reliever after a long day. To get most of these benefits we don’t have to slave away in the gym for hours on end, there are a host of simple exercises we can build into our daily routine when there is no easily accessible sports facility or a very demanding work schedule . Some that I am working on including into my daily routine are:

1. Yoga: There are several yoga exercises which can be integrated into a daily routine quite easily. I have begun doing five of them right when I get up. They focus on most of the major parts of the body and do a great a job in helping you to stretch and certainly make you more awake and alert.

2. Crunches: After the initial set of exercises, I do a couple of sets of crunches which helps keep as much excess weight of my waist as possible. It is important to do crunches correctly for them to be effective. If you are unsure about whether your technique is correct get some help from an instructor or instruction videos which can be found on the net.

3. Walking: In todays day and age we are becoming increasingly lazy. For even the smallest of hops we choose cabs or elevators. Figure out areas you could replace these habits with a brisk walk which could last a couple of minutes or a couple of flights of stairs. It helps keep the blood flowing and can even act as a boost.

The important lesson I learnt here is, no matter where you are, it is up to you to decide whether you want to exercise or not. If you value fitness and health then it is best to identify ways and mean to maintain  fitness goals, even during busy spells or vacations abroad.

Not Sleeping Enough?

“In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible.” Cicero

There are several reasons why I fell sick last week. However, I do believe it all started when I developed and sustained erratic sleep timings. This started a nasty domino effect and slowly permeated into other areas of my life and eventually, I fell sick. Sleep is an integral part of our lives. Our bodies need to rest and rejuvenate to enable them to function optimally. The number of hours of sleep needed, varies from person to person. A widely publicized study performed at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2003, demonstrated that cognitive performance declines with fewer than eight hours of sleep. When we develop a cycle of less than 6 hours of sleep over prolonged periods of time, it begins to show as lethargy and an inability to concentrate, and eventually to falling sick.

It does all come down to having the discipline to develop and stick to a routine. Ideally, one would like to have set timings to go to sleep and get up. This timing pattern should remain constant on both week-ends and week-days. Isolated deviations from the routine are acceptable, but the routine  should not be disrupted for more than a period of 3 days. Admittedly there is the argument that as entrepreneurs things are  sporadic, and one week the work flow is manageable, and the next, one gets drowned in it. The ability to stick to a routine under such circumstances is tough. However,  inability to do so, as I have experienced many a time, has nasty consequences. There needs to be balance to enable us to perform and rest both, adequately.

To develop such a routine, we first need to identify when we actually feel sleepy given that we wake up at a fixed time for a couple of days.  We can then establish a suitable time accordingly and develop a routine for a half hour prior to getting into bed. This could involve setting a to-do list for the next day, reading or going over your goals list to see and work on how far you have reached. It is another scientifically proven fact, that brain processes prior to going to sleep have a huge impact on your sleep quality and the next day. The brain processes the last input received many times more effectively than anything else you may have experienced during the day. Therefore it is critical that you use this time wisely.

Not Feeling Well?

“Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.” Charles Simmons

I was not in the best of health last week. Regular readers of my blog may have noticed some delayed posts, for which I apologize. One really doesn’t realize the true value of being healthy until you fall sick. The ironic thing is, without good health we can’t really do much! Yet, we see so many take this matter so lightly. I know I have been guilty of doing this often. It is a vicious cycle. We get sick, during this period we realize how important our health is and make vows to take it more seriously in the future , then, we lapse into our old unhealthy habits again, only to find ourselves sick again. There is really no one else to blame other than ourselves for this . To break free from this cycle we need to start taking responsibility for our health. We need to put it into perspective, understand how important it really is.

Making such fundamental changes in life requires persistent effort, to leave damaging habits and replace them with healthy and beneficial ones instead. It is however easier said than done. Usually such shifts only occur when they are absolutely mandatory to our survival. If a person has a heart attack and is instructed to take on a whole new set of habits, they usually will. The same person who may not be doing so well before the heart attack, finds it a much greater challenge to change their routine. What is required is not a drastic shift in our day to day life, but a need to start taking smaller steps every day to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Over the course of this week, I will cover five core factors which greatly influence our well being. Each factor plays a pivotal role in helping us maintain balance. Finding balance in the chaotic world we live in today, is a challenge. As an entrepreneur, it is specially so as we tend to push ourselves to our absolute limits. Unfortunately, such behavior over a long period of time will result in eventual burnout. I aim for this series to be a constant reminder to myself, about the really important stuff in life. I hope it will be the same for you.

5 Steps to Patience

“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience.” Anonymous

When we read about the lives of great men and women, we find a common thread in their stories. That thread is patience. In today’s day and age of instant gratification, patience levels are at a steep decline. Too many people are moving too fast, too soon. Their lives are checkered with dissatisfaction and frustration. Lack of patience has a definite impact on the entrepreneurial journey as well. If wanting it all yesterday is a priority, this path does not have what you are looking for. Patience is a virtue which cannot be learned through text books or courses, it is acquired through experience. We are all constantly placed in situations where our patience is tested, the manner in which we choose to react to these situations, determines our patience tolerance level.

Listed below are five steps to understanding situations where patience is tested, and sequential consequences if patience is not exercised:

1. Strategic Indecision: Instant success for entrepreneurial start-ups is a rare anomaly. If you embark on this journey, make sure you realize it is for the long haul. It will require remaining committed to your strategy, and to constantly adapt it to market demands. Inability to adapt and change will give rise to growing impatience which will impact negatively on your business. To read more about patience and strategic indecision please click here.

2. Marketing Results: The secret behind companies who market themselves successfully, is patience. Once they formulate a strategy, they remain committed to carrying it out to the end. Do your best to remain consistent in the messages you send out and ensure you send them out regularly. Once the messages are out there, be patient, results will follow, in time! To learn more about marketing and patience please click here.

3. Handling Customers: Prospects and customers have an uncanny ability for getting under your skin, often driving you close to insanity. It is important to learn to keep one’s composure when dealing with difficult customers. There are several strategies which can be employed to help relieve some of the frustration, these include correct identification of prospects, using CRM software and having disqualification processes. To learn in greater detail about customer handling strategies please click here.

4. Employees: Managing employees effectively requires great levels of patience. They can be a handful, specially when the organization is growing rapidly and micro management is not an option. To help develop  patience levels for this, learning to set realistic expectations and providing continuous feedback is vital. To learn in greater detail strategies for management of employees please click here.

5. PRICE of Impatience: The price of impatience is, pain, regret, irritation, close-mindedness and becoming emotional. Each one of these can have a defining impact on your business, team and relationships. By not developing adequate tolerance levels to handle the complexities of business, reaching one’s goal can be a challenging process. It is important we learn to ask ourselves “Can I afford the price of my impatience?”. To learn more about the price of impatience please click here.

Developing a high threshold of patience, helps make the difficult challenges we face daily, more manageable. It enables us to enjoy life in a more fulfilling and satisfied manner, which in turn helps us to go on to achieve great things. Everyone will have moments, when lack of patience gets the better of them, keeping these incidents to a minimum, and being vigilant and pro-active about such lapses is essential. It is only when we become aware of patience thresholds, can we work to keep increasing them.

The Price of Impatience

“One moment of patience may ward off great disaster.  One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.” Chinese Proverb

This week we discussed several scenarios where patience is tested on the entrepreneurial journey. For the last post of this series I will focus on the ‘price’ we pay for lack of patience. Understanding the price of impatience is as important as developing patience. All of us have experienced instances where our patience gave way, and we did or said things which impacted negatively on our life and caused regret. What is important, is that we learn from these temporary lapses and ensure they do not occur again. If we don’t, we run the risk of always being angry, upset and dissatisfied with the progress of our growth. 

Outlined below is what I define the PRICE of impatience to be:

1. Pain: Whenever we lose patience, we cause pain to both affected parties. Often, this is embedded in our subconscious and a recall of that memory, can be a painful experience. There are times when a degree of pain helps us realize all that we should be grateful for. Too much pain however, can be the cause of major instability in life.

2. Regret: Sometimes during lapses of patience, we find ourselves doing and saying things, we would never do ordinarily. It all happens so quickly, and we only begin to understand its impact after everything is said and done. That is when the regret sets in, and if we fail to move forward at this point, it has a domino effect on the self. Regret about something which happened in the past is definitive only by the lesson we learn from it, we must learn to avoid acting in a similar manner again.

3. Irritation: Patience and irritation are negatively correlated, when patience is on the decrease we experience a heightened level of irritation. Nothing and nobody seems to be right anymore. It is like a virus that drains energy out of a team. We have to keep this emotion in check constantly when we are running low on patience, it is one of the easiest ones to give into. 

4. Close-minded: When we lose patience, it is like a switch goes off and blocks everything around us. We become increasingly selfish in our outlook and begin to believe that only we know how to do anything right. This is a dangerous path to tread, the price we pay for this attitude is a serious one. 

5. Emotional: We lose our patience and suddenly, all logic and rationale goes out the window and we find ourselves making emotional decisions. These are usually clouded with the false notion that we know best. This also triggers our saying and doing things that have the ability to cause pain and suffering to those around us. Is a lapse in patience really worth destroying something you may have spent a lifetime nurturing? 

Whenever you find yourself in a position where your patience is wearing thin, ask yourself the following question: “Can I afford the price of my impatience?”. It is important to take into account the larger picture. If we do not, our outlook will remain selfishly restricted to me, myself and I. Is it really worth it?

Employees and Patience

“The five steps in teaching an employee new skills are preparation, explanation, showing, observation and supervision.” Bruce Barton

Two characteristics often found in entrepreneurs is, the need for perfectionism and control. When teams are small, this works to their advantage, however, when business expands, these characteristics tend to be more disruptive by nature. For example, when the business starts to grow, it is inevitable that more resources will need to be hired to keep up with growth. The selection process itself is a difficult process for start-ups with limited experience. The real fun begins when you have these new resources on board and most of the time, they don’t know what they signed up for. Earlier on, I expected the same work ethic, dedication and sacrifices from them as I did of myself. That didn’t go so well, I soon found myself getting impatient as I had set unrealistic expectations. My perception of the scenario was biased, in the process I lost many good people. I learned a thing a two about patience during this time.

Some of the key things to keep in mind next time you feel your patience wearing thin are:

1. Set Realistic Expectations: To expect the people who work for you, to make the same level of sacrifices that you may be making is not correct. From the word go, we have to temper our expectations and more importantly, outline them before you start the selection process. This way, while recruiting there will be more detail, which will help the prospect to make a more informed decision. Keeping broad guidelines for what you want from an employee, will result in both sides being negatively effected.

2. Holding Hands: The on-boarding process takes time, this is the time to help the employee make necessary adjustments to fit into the organization. Bring them up to speed with the projects they will be working on and acquaint them with all the set processes. It takes an average of 1-2 months to bring an employee up to speed, till they start contributing to their potential. Make sure you help them as much as possible to speed up the process.

3. Feedback: We are all human and we all make mistakes sometimes. Instead of coming down hard on an employee regarding their work ethic, performance or behavior, provide feedback on steps to take to bring about positive change. Doing this effectively takes time and a lot of patience. Even when they mess up the proposal, don’t do a good job at that presentation or keep coming late to work, provide them with timely feedback. 

These are simple steps to take, to help become more patient with your employees. Incorporate them into your organization and see increased performance results, calmer working environment and a motivated workforce. Along the way, you will develop the patience required, to scale the business further and help manage people all over the globe. Remember, it is not possible to do everything ourself. Learn to sacrifice a little bit of that perfectionism and control, it will go a long way, in the larger scheme of things. 

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