Right Place at the Right Time

The topic of being in the right place at the right time, comes up a lot during conversation about the success of companies/businesses/career progressions. On the surface it appears to be strokes of luck, which in most cases is not the case at all. I have found in my experience, that a majority of those who find themselves in the right place at the right time, are actually there as a result of continuous action towards a specific goal.

Clarity of a long term vision, provides the ability to take steps towards a goal or whatever else you want to achieve in life. This is never a linear path, no matter how much we may want it to be. Along the way, we gather more information, get a greater level of information and begin to learn to zig instead of zag. All this cumulative learning provides one with the ability to perceive future events with a higher degree of accuracy.

This acute perception is what leads a privileged few, to be in places that others believe are purely functions of chance and luck. I strongly urge everyone to look deeper into those stories, rather than making assumptions about how a person actually gets to those points. Most of the time, their journey is a meandering series of events and experiences that lead them to that point. One stands to learn far more from these stories than looking at singular events in isolation.

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