Are you playing the blame game?

Almost everyone has played the blame game at some point. The rules are simple, if you get accused of doing, or not doing something, you need to deflect the situation by pushing the blame onto someone else! The key to winning the game is to ensure that no one is able to blame you for the things you have done incorrectly, or create enough diversions to avoid any fingers being pointed at you! If you play the game long enough, denial begins to set in and pretty soon the player actually begins to think he/she can do no wrong.

This game most always has a sad ending, with the winner more often than not, isolated, and suffering from a severe case of denial.

Playing the blame game is easy, it often starts off as an easy way to get oneself out of a sticky situation. The problem begins when addiction to the game sets in, and soon you are so far in the game that quitting is no longer an option.

Do your best to stay away from this game at all costs, for the betterment of your life, and for those around you.

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