
The phone starts ringing, emails flood your inbox and you keep discovering connections within networks you did not even know existed previously. It is times like these when it seems the stars are perfectly aligned and things just start moving in the right direction. Momentum is one of the most powerful forces that can propel a business to new and uncharted heights. Generating momentum is not an overnight process. It takes months and sometimes years of patience and persistence. Starting a new business is exciting and most everyone experiences that honeymoon stage when everything is new and the world is full of endless possibilities. That unbridled optimism makes entrepreneurs work round the clock, and to tell you the truth, those first couple of months are just a blast.

Like most upturns however there will be a plateauing of emotions, and if work has not picked up steam in the first couple of months of incorporation, optimism levels begin to fall. This is the first break of momentum that almost all entrepreneurs face, how they handle this situation is crucial to determine the fate of their business. This is when characteristics of persistence, resilience and creativity come into play. The ability to create your own momentum internally as well as for the business will distinguish you from those who gave it a shot and quit when it did not work out.

We have to make a conscious effort to analyze our business daily, and continue  plugging at it thereby building value for customers. By doing this, we continue the process of evolving our business and ourselves, which will ultimately lead to generation of momentum. It may be a long and challenging journey, but the level of satisfaction when you actually achieve your goals and objectives gives an unprecedented level of satisfaction, one that all entrepreneurs live and breathe for.

What are some of the things you do to create momentum on a day to day basis? I look forward to your suggestions and comments.

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