Do you have a pet?

Today was one of those completely chaotic days! These are days when many of the projects I am working on simultaneously, all seem to have increased amounts of activity. This is when multi-tasking skills come into their own, although after an entire day of juggling one project after another you are completely exhausted. If things did not go exactly as planned, mood swings are imminent and when you get back home you want to completely zone out. Everyday when I get back, my dog is waiting anxiously for my arrival. It is one of my favorite moments of the day when my dog literally jumps onto me and refuses to move. For the next ten minutes all the stresses of the day disappear and I am able to enjoy the moment.

I have always been an advocate of having pets. Depending on the level of responsibility one wants to take on, you could decide on anything from fish to dogs. Entrepreneurs, including myself, lead such crazy work lives, that the work/life balance is often disrupted. I do believe pets are a huge balancing factor and not only do they provide companionship and loyalty they help inculcate a sense of responsibility and give you a window to break away from daily stresses of work and help focus on something just as important during the course of the day. Although they can be a handful sometimes, I guess as in most things, that is a trade off we have to make.

Given that I have always had pets, it is easier for me to take care of them. For first time pet owners it will be an initial challenge to get them trained and accustomed to house rules. However, when all is done, you will have a great buddy to take for walks, play catch with or just hang out with when you need to unwind from the rest of the world. I would be interested to hear how many entrepreneurs who read this have pets and if you don’t, why not?

*p.s On a complete side note, the pet industry is absolutely booming right now. With pet owners spending more money on pet food, grooming and accessories this is a great time to get into this field if you have a passion for animals. You could carve out a specific niche that you could serve really well.

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