Crunch Time

The feeling just before a big meeting or pitch is a most exhilarating time for an entrepreneur. The possibilities of what could be, excites and scares at the same time. There is a strange feeling inside that begins to question whether you have it in you to deliver the results or not. Thoughts of what may go wrong cross your mind, although you attempt to do whatever possible to ensure that all contingencies are put in place. Overall, with an elevated heart beat, life seems to come pleasingly alive. It’s like school all over again, when you studied for that big test and came to crunch time.

I believe at times like these, it is good to first sit down and breathe. The worst thing that can happen at this point is to become paralyzed by the fear of the unknown. We need to embrace the fact that there are many things we cannot control and all we can do is to be prepared as best as we can. Even though adrenaline levels are high, a balance must be struck so that delivery of the pitch does not suffer. Once I have calmed my nerves, there are a couple of things I like to do:

1. Do your research on all the participants of the meeting or presentation. Have you interacted with them before? What were your notes? What are they expecting?

2. What value are you providing to your client or investor? Be very clear about this, and make sure that this message is repeated multiple times during your presentation.

3. What is the agenda of the meeting? How much time have you been allocated? Do your best to plan the entire meeting or presentation down to the last minute.

4. Visualize the meeting or presentation in your head. Make a mental note of who you will be meeting or presenting to, and visualize how you want the meeting to go. Whether it is closing a customer or getting an investor, you need to be able to visualize the best case scenario.

Repeat this process multiple times until you are completely confident about your delivery. Ideally, this should be done a couple of days before the big meeting or presentation. On the day of the presentation, before starting, remember to take a deep breath, and act confidently. You are now as ready as you can be for the crunch time.

How do you prepare for a big meeting or presentation? Do you have a step-by-step process? Look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.

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