The Week in Review # 45: Thank You for the Support!

I can’t believe 2015 is coming to an end. I clearly remember writing the first issue of this series. This was one of the habits I am glad I was able to stick with this year. I have received many emails from readers telling me how they look forward to receiving this list every week. Aiming to continue writing this series in 2016. Looking back at the year there is so much to be grateful for.

1. I had the opportunity to travel far more than I have in prior years. This resulted spending more time with friends and family which was great. As entrepreneurs we tend to get caught up in our work and forget the big rocks in our life. When we are able to keep things in equilibrium the overall quality of life increases leaps and bounds.

2. I have read 41 books so far this year. This is something I had been missing out on over the last couple of years. It is a very easy to prioritize just about anything over reading. Taking the time out everyday to get 1 – 2 hours of reading has an exponential impact on your learning goals.

3. This year we transitioned to a completely remote team. This was a big step to give up our office space and get everyone to work remotely. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to work side by side with some of the best people I have worked with. We have built a very strong foundation and are poised to achieve great things in 2016.

4. 2015 was also the year I stepped up on my cooking skills. This has resulted in eating healthier and overall feeling a lot better about life. While I didn’t take part in a competitive race this year, I was a regular at the gym. This is another habit I hope to continue in 2016. My aim is to get a personal trainer next year and improve step things up a notch.

5. I am extremely grateful to having a great support system in both my family and friends. This year had its share of ups and downs. During each of those moments I am extremely thankful for having people around me who were there to enjoy the good times and help me through the bad ones.

Take the time today to thank someone who has been a pillar of support to you this year. This should be something that you do on a regular basis. With that I would like to thank all of the readers of this series. I wish all of you the very best of luck and success in 2016.

What I am reading and watching this week

Shut up and be patient “A good life is not a life without problems. A good life is a life with good problems. And so it’s despite the turbulence of the rocky waves and twisting tides, I can sometimes stare into the heart of my confusion and the crossed strains of joy and sadness, and smile and be grateful that it’s all there.” Very well written article about life transitions and how to manage them.

Is Now A Good Time To Start A Company? I get this question a lot these days. With everyone wanting to start up these days, the author provides great advice. “The best time to start a company is when you have a unique perspective on a market, you have developed a strong network of people who can form your founding team, and you can convince a few of these friends that the idea is worth pursuing.”

Blank’s Rule – To predict the future 1/3 of you need to be crazy Steve Blank along with Eric Ries brought us the lean startup methodology. In this article he provides us with great examples of how we need to encourage the moon shot and crazy ideas to have a shot at predicting the future.

Everything you need to know about bitcoin and blockchain The entire concept of bitcoin along with block chain is always difficult to get your head around. This presentation provides the reader with a complete break down on both topics. Great primer for anyone who is interested in learning more.

The First 90 Days (Book) This book had been on my list for a long time. Finally got through it this week. We have recently onboarded several new employees. The book was very helpful in tweaking our onboarding process. Would recommend this book if you are hiring or part of fast growing team.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead!